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Cloud Contract and Negotiation Services

Helping Companies with Cloud Contracting

Cloud Contract

Review, Insights, Negotiation and Direction

International Computer Negotiations, Inc., understands the risks, benefits and costs of cloud contracts. Our cloud-contracting course has been taught in hundreds of organizations, including many Fortune 500 and state and federal organizations. Our customer approval rating exceeds 99.9%.

ICN uses its industry-leading cloud-contracting best practices to work directly with clients to achieve better outcomes. Cloud contracts can expose companies to high risks and high costs. ICN “turns the tables” on the risk and cost challenges of cloud contracts, and creates better contracts and better outcomes for clients. We reduce more risk, reduce more cost and create more protection than other advisory firms because we keep our finger on the pulse of the industry. ICN has helped more than 300 of the Fortune 500, for more than 40 years.

We can help you negotiate better cloud contracts, create better cloud templates and forms, and achieve better outcomes with less risk, lower cost and greater protections.