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Mergers, Reorganizations and Divestiture Assistance

Be proactive and strategic in advance, call ICN Now

Few activities in an organization’s history have such a profound impact as mergers, reorganizations and divestures. These corporate transactions can create sizable benefits for the organizations involved, but they also can carry huge risks and costs. This important subject affects not only commercial companies, but also local, federal and state governments and nonprofit organizations.

Being proactive and strategic in advance of such corporate transactions can make the difference between spending a few thousand dollars or spending tens of millions of dollars. ICN has helped large global organizations in their most important mergers, reorganizations and divestures. ICN merger clients have included companies such as banks, consumer companies and utility companies minimize supplier merger costs, contract termination fees and licensing issues.

Contact ICN now to help your team:

  • Ensure your contract templates strategically address mergers, reorganizations and divestitures in advance
  • Assess your existing supplier agreements to determine opportunities for improvement in this area
  • Create and execute a strategic supplier plan if your company has announced a merger, reorganization or divestiture
  • Negotiate termination fees to minimize the costs associated with these corporate activities
  • Negotiate license rights, extensions and discounts to expand usage rights, achieve volume-based efficiencies and take advantage of leveraged opportunities between competing suppliers

There’s a reason ICN is selected by large global companies to assist with supplier contracts and negotiations when they plan a merger, reorganization or divesture — ICN has a strong track record of success in this area.